: Explanatory video
he device employment battery Uses in cases Emergency To start employment The Car when Be the battery Empty or Weak . Characterized this the device With technology Super Capacitor, Which Technique Modern used Capacitors instead of from Batteries Traditional To store Energy .
Complete shipping Brave BJS-11 remote device road Connect it With a source energy external For a while Temporal short, And it is done storage energy in Capacitors . And once that Complete delivery the device With battery The Car, Complete Transfer energy from Capacitors to battery The Car To start Turn it on .
feature a task For Brave BJS-11 it is His ability on Shipping Self Quickly . maybe shipment to The complete in Within 5 minutes Just, Than Makes it Ready To use in cases Emergency quickly And effectiveness . Thanks to Technique Super Capacitor, maybe For the device employment The Car until when Be degree the heat Low Very much .
that it device useful To the owners the cars To prepare For cases Emergency And avoid Problems the battery The weak . It is considered Safe And reliable And it saves road Easy And effective To start employment The Car in Cases Emergency .
: Explanatory video
he device employment battery Uses in cases Emergency To start employment The Car when Be the battery Empty or Weak . Characterized this the device With technology Super Capacitor, Which Technique Modern used Capacitors instead of from Batteries Traditional To store Energy .
Complete shipping Brave BJS-11 remote device road Connect it With a source energy external For a while Temporal short, And it is done storage energy in Capacitors . And once that Complete delivery the device With battery The Car, Complete Transfer energy from Capacitors to battery The Car To start Turn it on .
feature a task For Brave BJS-11 it is His ability on Shipping Self Quickly . maybe shipment to The complete in Within 5 minutes Just, Than Makes it Ready To use in cases Emergency quickly And effectiveness . Thanks to Technique Super Capacitor, maybe For the device employment The Car until when Be degree the heat Low Very much .
that it device useful To the owners the cars To prepare For cases Emergency And avoid Problems the battery The weak . It is considered Safe And reliable And it saves road Easy And effective To start employment The Car in Cases Emergency .
- Regular price
- AED 440.00
- Sale price
- AED 355.00